
Courtney M.

Alumnus at Grove City College

Class of 2021

Current: Hermitage, PA

Major: Mathematics

Secondary Major: Sociology

Minor: Biblical and Religious Studies

After college, I want to...

do whatever God calls me to do. Whether it's graduate school or getting a job, I'm open to what plans God has for me.

My favorite thing about Grove City College is...

the people who are so supporting in all aspects of life.

When I was looking for a college, I wish I had been told...

to visit during the school year. You can learn a lot about a school by observing how the students interact around campus, and when you visit in the summer or during a break, you miss seeing the reality of the campus.

My friends and I like to...

get meals together and go to special events on campus.

I'm passionate about...

Travel Photography Singing Pittsburgh Penguins Community Service Missions Operation Christmas Child Kayaking Ice Cream Movie Soundtracks

I'm involved with...

New Life Ministry Chapel Choir Women's Discipleship Group Marching Band Overnight host Pep Band ICO Philadelphia Kappa Mu Epsilon Senior Women's Bible Study Deeply Rooted Mentor Omicron Delta Kappa Mortar Board Rotaract
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