Alumnus at Grove City College
Class of 2017
Current: Abingdon, MD
Hometown: Abingdon, MD
Employer: DTC, Inc
Major: Marketing Management
Minor: Internet Entrepreneurship
I love the community at GCC. Everyone is always friendly and welcoming, which made the transition into college so much easier.
Something special about GCC is that the classes really set you into a habit of constantly wanting to pursue knowledge. Papers and reading assignments sound like a drag when you're forced to do them, but once those stop looming overhead you realize how valuable regularly learning new things is. I am so excited to have graduated and have time to pursue topics that interest me outside of classes - this mindset is going to help me be successful at my job as well as continue to expand my knowledge of the world around me.
It's okay to be unsure of what to major in! I ended up switching my major twice before I figured out what I wanted to do - and it's easy to change your major if you schedule your classes carefully.
I would love to work for a small marketing agency or advertising firm - or continue with the web design business I've started!