Alumnus at Grove City College
Class of 2013
Current: Gasport, NY
Major: History
Minor: National Security
While I was at Grove City College my buddies and I enjoyed playing various games. Board games, video games, intramural sports games, pick-up sports games, etc. Mostly, we just enjoyed doing anything together.
When I was in the darkest time of my life, I was surrounded by people who not only encouraged me in love but also held fast to the everlasting truth of God. Grove City College and the people on campus were God's tools in my life to craft me into the man I am today so that I might make the same impact in the lives of others.
I would say that Dr. Stanton, the Chair of the Political Science Department, had the most influence as my mentor. He was a straight-shooter and not afraid to hold me to a higher standard as a student, thinker, and man. His passion for students was evident in our interactions and his unwavering expectations for my academic and personal conduct propelled me forward.
The sense of belonging. This can be attributed to the people I interacted with during my many years there, the campus itself with the beautiful architecture, and the overwhelming sense of God's presence.