Alumnus at Grove City College
Class of 2021
Hometown: Mount Joy, PA
Major: Mathematics a job where I can analyze and solve problems using math.
...the people. Every day I am grateful to be surrounded by the students and staff at Grove City. It is refreshing to go into all my classes and hear professors tie in aspects of our faith to the material; even in math classes! When I am not in class, I am able to invest in the genuine relationships with truly amazing people who not only care about me, but who also want to have fun! talk more to current students. Current students give you a greater perspective on the community, atmosphere, and activities that colleges have, helping you to better visualize yourself on campus. movies and play sports. We set aside Sunday nights to watch movies in a friend's room. During the week, I take a break from studying most nights to play football, volleyball, and other sports in the Intramural Room.