
Victoria M.

Alumnus at Grove City College

Class of 2018

Current: Bloomsbury, NJ

Major: History

Secondary Major: Biblical & Religious Studies

Minor: Classical Studies, Philosophy

My friends and I like to...

Watch movies, eat pizza, go ice skating, go to concerts, and get milkshakes at the local ice cream parlor!

My favorite thing about Grove City College is...

All there is to do! I never feel like there's nothing going on around campus, and I have been able to plug into so many activities that I never would have thought I'd get involved with, but I did!

When I was looking for a college, I wish I had been told...

For most people, finding the right college is like finding the perfect pair of shoes. Sometimes you know after the first pair you try on; sometimes, you go through half a dozen pairs and feel like you'll never find "the one;" but then you will, and it will just feel right. Whether that school was your parent's/guidance counselor's/significant other's first choice is not nearly as relevant as being in the place that fits you best.

After college, I want to...

Teach high school or middle level history, visit Washington D.C. as much as humanly possible, and live in a cute house in Boston.

I'm passionate about...

Hiking Dancing Rock Climbing Working with children Puppies Chocolate Baking

I'm involved with...

Swing Dance Orchesis Dance Troupe Marching Band Ballroom Dance Theater Costume Shop
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